Sunday, May 30, 2010

Away We Go: The Alps

Sorry we've been away for so long. Our cameras were out of commission for a bit, but we've got them back up and going. excuses excuses...

Here's a recap of what we've been up to. They'll come in several installments since we have a lot to make up for. So here's what you've missed.

 Alps getaway

In February Josh and I went to the Austrian Alps with a group of friends for a ski getaway. We rented a small cabin on top of a mountain for a entire week. Our adventure began when Nils' car got stuck on the driveway. Luckily for us it didn't get stuck while we were on the many small windy roads leading up to the cabin. Unfortunately his car had to wait for a tractor to come pull it out. But that didn't hold us up. We began by unpacking, staking out who got which room, lighting the wood stove, and of course eating and drinking! Most of the mornings began with a breakfast prepared by our friend Otto and then followed by one of these activities: a skiing, hiking, playing board games, snow ball fights, or sledging. (a lot of them were usually done right outside our cabin door). It was an amazing week with great friends filled with unforgettable memories. One thing's for sure, we can't wait to do it again!

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